In response to the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, TURVO has been implementing “environmental protection, energy-saving, and love the earth" measures in our operations. We actively promote various energy-saving projects to achieve the goal of energy saving and carbon reduction.

Energy-Saving Measures

Electricity system:
Since the main source of greenhouse gas emissions is electricity use, we will take 2018 as the base year and plan to achieve the target of reducing electricity consumption per unit of output by 3~5% in 2019.
Water reuse:
To promote the recycling of water used in production processes in our factories, we will take 2018 as the base year and plan to achieve the target of reducing water consumption per unit of output by 3~5% in 2019.

Waste Management

We implement waste management in accordance with the “Waste Disposal Act” and the "Enterprise Enlisted for Submit Waste Clearance Planning Report". The Waste Clearance Planning Report submitted by our company has been approved by the Chungkang Branch of Export Processing Zone Administration, MOEA. Moreover, the Company also actively cooperates with the government announcement by setting up a Class B waste treatment technician to be responsible for industrial waste disposal and treatment. In addition to reporting the amount of waste generated, stored, disposed of and treated online in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on waste disposal and the regulations of the EPA, we also entrusts qualified vendors approved by the EPA for waste disposal and treatment in accordance with the disposal methods stated in the Waste Clearance Planning Report without any violation associated penalties or losses. In the future, we will continue to work towards saving resources, reducing waste generation, promoting material recycling, and reducing the burden on the environment to achieve the goal of waste reduction and resource recycling, promoting the sustainable use of resources, and creating a greener earth.

Regarding waste water treatment, we follow the “Water Pollution Control Act” to distinguish between domestic sewage and industrial waste water. We do not produce wastewater in the manufacturing process, but only domestic sewage from our office premises, which is treated in our plant and discharged into the industrial park wastewater treatment system.

In order to avoid dealing with vendors with dishonest records and request suppliers to abide by the principle of integrity management, starting from August 2020, we have established a checklist for the procurement contract signing process and the integrity terms in the Statement of Integrity Pledge to facilitate the evaluation of the procurement contracts with external suppliers that involve the purchase and sale of proprietary rights. The "Statement of Integrity Pledge" attached to the checklist is required to be signed by 100% of the external suppliers as a document certifying the checklist. The Company shall comply with the terms and conditions of integrity management and the requirements of the "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct", and conduct capability assessment and audit with new and existing suppliers to reduce procurement risks. We also conduct supplier evaluations in conjunction with the annual bargaining process for each procurement contract to ensure the quality of products and services and to effectively control and reduce operating costs.

In 2024, TURVO will build the first green building in the Chungkang Export Processing Zone. In other words, we actively commit to the green building concept for all of our new factories/offices in the future.

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